Tuesday 25 December 2012

Maroon color trend

Hey everybody today i'll be talking about something im sure you have all noticed by now.

Which is one of the biggest color trends right at the moment.Yes the deep rich red color (pretty sure
 it's called maroon).Everywhere you shop lately has all their clothes in this color from jeans
 to hoodies and dresses.

Now im not exactly sure what name is actually given to the color ive seen it being 
called dark red  or oxblood and mahogany but most recently ive seen it referred to 
as maroon.What do you think of this trend ...do you love it ?? Or hate it ??

Personally i really love this color as you will see from all the clothes i have in the color.I think is a perfect color for fall as its dark without being a black or grey and yet slightly bright
 and colorful with out being in your face!!.If you seen my closet you would know i am not a big fan of color or bold prints.I love neutral and plain colors as i feel they compliment my shape better.So believe it or not this color is actually quite daring for me.

This color will also look great paired with another trend that i've seen popping up lately which is a dark army green.I know topshop and river island are sporting these colors.

 These are some of my clothes that ive collected so far ......(excuse the awful wrinkles)

I don't know about you guys but i really love this trend and color.It matches the majority of all my clothes and now half my closet is this exact color.I cant wait for winter so i can start matching my outfits and pairing them with each other

How much of a fan are you of this trend ??comment below telling me if you have as much clothes in this color.

Bye for now 
Michelle x

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